Introduction to the Operating Room



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a. Rules. The mop-and-pail method of floor cleaning can spread infectious organisms throughout the OR suite unless certain rules are understood and followed.

(1) There should be an individual mop for each area within the surgical suite.


(2) Operating room mop heads should be laundered and sterilized daily.


(3) A fresh germicidal solution should be used for each area.


(4) Mop heads should not be stored in used germicidal solution between periods of utilization.


(5) Mop heads should be changed between all cases.

b. Procedure.

(1) For cleaning an OR between cases, the soiled areas of the floor are damp-mopped using a germicidal solution. Furniture may be pushed aside as necessary, but is not to be removed from the room.


(2) Before surgery begins in the morning, the floor is damp-mopped with a germicidal solution.


(3) For cleaning the floor at the end of the day's schedule, observe the rules listed in paragraph 1-32a then apply the following procedures:


(a) Wipe down the furniture with a germicidal solution.


(b) Remove the furniture from the room.


(c) Mop the floor using fresh germicidal solution and a clean mop head.


(d) Rinse the floor well to prevent the accumulation of soap film and the film left by certain germicides because such a film would interfere with the conductivity of the floor.


(e) Wheel the furniture back into the room over a mat saturated with a germicidal solution.


(f) Wipe down the furniture again with a germicidal solution.

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