Introduction to the Operating Room



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Just as important as the many aspects of the surgery itself is the cleanup afterwards and the manner in which it is done. The element of time is pressing between cases; therefore, the scrub and the circulator must work together as quickly as possible to remove all used equipment and supplies, clean the room, and prepare it for the next case. The usual time allotted is the same as for the original preparation of the

room--20 to 30 minutes. Cleanliness is of utmost importance since aseptic technique cannot be attained or maintained in an environment that is not scrupulously clean.


Figure 1-30 A. Grouping of equipment for General Surgery.



Figure 1-30 B. Grouping of equipment for Perineal Surgery.

Figure 1-30C. Grouping of equipment for Orthopedic Surgery.

Figure1-30D. Grouping of equipment for Neurosurgery.



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