Introduction to the Operating Room



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a. Discussion. The furniture and equipment already discussed is common to all cases and is kept within each OR. However, the type of operative procedureand the method of administering anesthesia are the primary factors in determining the supplies and equipment that are required as well as their arrangement. Someof the equipment (normally kept in each OR but not scheduled for use on a particular case) may be pushed to the wall in one area where it will not interfere with the team member's work during the case. Equipment used infrequently may be brought to an OR for a particular case and then returned to its storage area when the case is finished.


b. Grouping of Equipment. The arrangement of the operating table and the supply tables is determined not only by the type of case, but also by the location of the operative area and the number supplies necessary. The furniture may be grouped with the patient's head toward the door or toward any other part of the room.

Figures 1-30 A, B, C, and D show suggested grouping of items for general surgery, perineal surgery, orthopedic surgery, and neurosurgery. In the figures, note the placement of sterile instrument tables with relation to the area for the anesthetist (anesthetist's stool). All sterile equipment and the "sterile" team members are as far away from the "unsterile" anesthesiologist and his equipment as feasible to help promote the maintenance of aseptic technique.



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