Introduction to the Operating Room



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The anesthetist's equipment is grouped together in the setting in figure 1-14.


a. Discussion. The items of equipment discussed below are cleaned and maintained by Anesthesiology Services personnel.


b.Gas Anesthesia Apparatus. (See figures 1-15 and 1-16). This is a mobile piece of equipment constructed to hold the following anesthetic materials.

(1) Pressure regulators for both oxygen and nitrous oxide.


(2) Inhaler tubes.


Figure 1-14. The anesthetist's equipment.



Figure 1-15. Anesthesia machine.



Figure 1-16. Anesthesia machine (field type).

(3) Oronasal mask.


(4) Rebreathing bag.


(5) Water manometer (indicates the rate of flow of gases).


(6) Carbon dioxide absorber unit.


(7) Tanks of oxygen and nitrous oxide.

c. Table. The anesthetist's table is small and low and is used to hold all of the additional equipment necessary for the administration of anesthesia. See figure 1-16, Anesthesia machine (field type).



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