Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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a. X-rays of the chest show the position of normal structures within the thorax. Displacement of structures, abnormal shadows, or abnormal densities are indicative of some abnormal pathology.


b. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are ventilatory function tests done to detect and measure abnormalities in respiratory function. These tests involve measurement of the amount of air the patient is able to inhale and exhale.


c. Bronchoscopy is the direct visualization of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi through an instrument called a bronchoscope. Bronchoscopes may be flexible or rigid.

The bronchoscope is used not only to examine, but also to diagnose bleeding sites, to excise lesions, to remove obstructions or secretions, and to collect specimens for biopsy, cytologic, or bacteriologic study.



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