Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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a. Return the patient to his bed by the means ordered.


b. Check the orders of the physician who performed the procedure. Observe and report any unusual reactions of the patient. If there are no orders pertaining to taking vital signs, accomplish this nursing measure according to standard nursing unit procedures.


c. Use appropriate measure to relieve discomfort or pain.


d. If the patient has been sedated or anesthetized, ensure bed rest until he has

completely reacted. Tell him to stay in bed and to signal for any needs. Use side rails

according to standard procedures. Ensure the call light is with in reach of the patient.


e. If the procedure involves the patient's diet, notify food service to serve,

modify, or cancel his meal as appropriate.


f. Explain to the patient that he will be notified when he may resume his normal

regime. When this time arrives, inform him promptly.


g. Record the following information in the nursing notes.

(1) Date and time.



(2) Type of procedure.


(3) Where and by whom performed.


(4) Disposition of specimen, if taken.


(5) Significant observations on patient's reaction such as pain, discomfort, and apprehension.


(6) Patient's vital signs before and after the procedure (when these are required).



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