Nursing Care Related to the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems


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a. Cardiovascular diagnostic tests and examinations are conducted by order of the physician to help him determine the nature of the specific disease condition. Many of these tests or examinations may be repeated at intervals to determine the patient's progress or response to prescribed treatment. While some are performed on the nursing unit, many others are conducted only in special laboratories and hospital clinics.


b. The nursing paraprofessional's role in assisting with diagnostic tests and collection of specimens will vary, depending upon the test, the specimen, the condition of the patient, and the local situation and policy. Although they may seldom perform any part of the test themselves, they should be acquainted with those commonly performed in order to give intelligent patient care and appropriate assistance to the doctor, nurse, or technician. In general, they should know:

(1) How and why the procedure is done and what, if any, reaction is expected from it.


(2) What explanation and physical care the patient should have before, during, and after the procedure. The informed, prepared patient is more apt to cooperate and to tolerate any inconvenience or discomfort incidental to the test.


(3) What equipment, clean or sterile, must be provided when assisting with the procedure and how to care for used equipment following the procedure.


(4) The role of the assistant in relation to that of the doctor, nurse, or technician performing the test.


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