Introduction to Practical Nursing


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a. In order to participate in the implementation of the planned nursing care, the M6 practical nurse must be clinically proficient and capable of providing and/or supervising nursing care. This care includes basic nursing care procedures such as obtaining and interpreting vital signs, collecting blood specimens, and changing wound dressings. Nursing care also includes activities involved with patient comfort and safety such as bathing the patient, administering range-of-motion exercises, and application of restraints to a disoriented patient. Also within the scope of practical nursing duties is the administration of medications and intravenous therapy. The practical nurse must also be able to reinforce the teaching done by the professional staff. To achieve patient awareness and cooperation, it is necessary to explain the "how" and "why" of nursing care procedures. This is especially important if the patient will have continuing treatments, medications, or special instructions at home with little or no supervision from the health care team. With this clinical nursing proficiency, the practical nurse supports the professional nursing staff in the implementation of the planned nursing care by:


(1) Applying a working knowledge of patients' rights and protecting the rights and privacy of the patient and his family.

(2) Safely performing or supervising nursing care in the form of therapeutic and preventive procedures that have been specifically planned for each individual patient.

(3) Observing the patient and reporting significant findings to the health care team members as appropriate.

(4) Contributing to the development and reinforcement of health care teaching plans for patients and their family members.

(5) Maintaining current knowledge, skills, and certification necessary to provide quality care.

b. Providing appropriate nursing care to the patient is not the end of the M6 practical nurse's responsibility. The care being given must continually be evaluated for effectiveness.


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