Blood, Electrolytes, and Intravenous Infusions

Lesson 3

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LESSON 3 Intravenous Preparations and Methods for Administration.


LESSON ASSIGNMENT Paragraphs 3-1 through 3-29.


LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

3-1. Identify the two major types of intravenous solutions and examples/uses of each.


3-2. Identify the requirements and precautions when using intravenous therapy.


3-3. Identify the rules/requirements for venipuncture site selection.


3-4. Identify the principles that guide the use of intravenous therapy.


3-5. Identify the complications; their signs and symptoms; and the precautionary measures for intravenous therapy.


3-6. Given the required information, calculate the drip rate for an intravenous infusion.


3-7. Identify the type of products used for transfusion, examples of each type of product and their uses.


3-8. Identify the sites used for transfusion venipuncture and the usual transfusion rate.


3-9. Identify the possible adverse reactions to transfusions and their signs and symptoms.


3-10. Identify the general principles governing transfusions.


3-11. Identify examples of the common types of blood tests, their indications and their normal values.


3-12. Identify the steps for the venipuncture procedure and for discontinuing an intravenous infusion.


3-13. Identify the kinds of intravenous systems in use and the parts of the intravenous apparatus.


3-14. Identify special considerations for transfusions.


3-15. Identify the reasons for using a venous cutdown procedure.


3-16. Identify the equipment and supplies needed for the venous cutdown and the sites usually selected.


3-17. Identify the steps of procedure for the venous cutdown.

SUGGESTION After completing the assignment, complete the exercises of this lesson. These exercises will help you to achieve the lesson objectives.




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