Blood, Electrolytes, and Intravenous Infusions


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a. Introduction. An infusion must be stopped if there are complications beyond the capabilities of the medical NCO. The infusion will be discontinued at the physician's order.


b. Procedure to Discontinue.

(1) Explain to the patient why the infusion is being discontinued and tell him what you are doing while you are working.


(2) Assemble the needed supplies-2 x 2 gauze, self-adhesive bandage, antiseptic.


(3) Turn off the solution flow.


(4) Remove all tape at the venipuncture site.


(5) Open and place a 2 x 2 gauze at the infusion site.


(6) Hold the site steady while gently removing the catheter. Do not apply pressure.


(7) Hold or instruct the patient to hold the gauze at the infusion site for 2 to 3 minutes to avoid hematoma. If infiltration is present, elevate extremity on a support.


(8) Apply a self-adhesive bandage.


(9) Record the amount left in the bag, the amount of fluid received by the patient, and the time the infusion was discontinued. Record any problems.




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