Blood, Electrolytes, and Intravenous Infusions 3-6 |
These products provide total parenteral nutrition for those patients who cannot, should not, or will not ingest the nutrients they need to live. It should be noted that a hyperalimentation solution can supply all the patient's nutritional needs by administration through the circulatory system. However, these solutions are quite expensive and, because of their nutrient content, are highly susceptible to bacterial growth. Most of the solutions contain high concentrations of carbohydrates (for example, dextrose). Because of this high concentration, the solutions must be administered through a large-bore vein. Just placing the needle or catheter into such a large-bore vein is a surgical procedure in itself. The hyperalimentation solution is prepared in the Pharmacy Sterile Products Section by a specially trained person. You must be very careful to prevent bacterial contamination. The preparation of the product itself is quite a job because the preparer must add ingredients in a certain sequence. Many of the components of a hyperalimentation solution are incompatible in certain concentrations. The components of most hyperalimentation solutions are water, dextrose, amino acids, electrolytes, and vitamins. One product, IntralipidR, is an oil in water emulsion. IntralipidR is one hyperalimentation product that can be administered through a small-bore vein such as those found in the arm.
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