Sterile Procedures LESSON 5: Isolation
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Section I. Types of Isolation
Isolation is the separation of a patient from contact with others in order to control the spread of an infectious or communicable disease. Patients are isolated according to the mode of transmission of the disease.
a. Strict Isolation. Strict isolation is used to prevent the transmission of all highly communicable diseases that are spread by both, contact or airborne routes of transmission. Examples of such diseases are chickenpox and rabies.
b. Respiratory Isolation. Respiratory isolation is used to prevent transmission of organisms by means of droplets that are sneezed or breathed into the environment. Examples of such diseases are influenza and tuberculosis.
c. Protective Isolation. Protective isolation is used to prevent contact between potentially pathogenic microorganisms and uninfected persons who have seriously impaired resistance. Patients with certain diseases, such as leukemia, who are on certain therapeutic regimens are significantly more susceptible to infections.
d. Enteric Precautions. Enteric precautions are used to control diseases that can be transmitted through direct or indirect oral contact with infected feces or contaminated articles. Transmission of infection depends on ingestion of the pathogen. Examples of diseases requiring enteric precautions are dysentery and hepatitis.
e. Wound and Skin Precautions. Wound and skin precautions are used to prevent the spread of microorganisms found in infected wounds (including burns and open sores) and contact with wounds and heavily contaminated articles. Conditions requiring these precautions include infected burns, infected wounds, and infections with large amounts of purulent discharge. Diseases that may require wound and skin precautions include herpes, impetigo, and ringworm.
f. Blood Precautions. Blood precautions are used to prevent acquisition of infection by patients and personnel from contact with blood or items contaminated with blood. Examples of diseases that require blood precautions (refer to Lesson 1) are HBV and HIV/AIDS.
g. Discharge Precautions.
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