Treating Fractures in the Field

Lesson 6: Roller Bandages


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The following steps are used to apply an anchor wrap to a limb. The anchor wrap is usually used to anchor (secure) the roller bandage when beginning other wrappings.


a. Lay the end of the bandage on the bottom of the limb to be wrapped and at an angle so one corner (apex) of the bandage will not be covered when the bandage is brought around the limb (see figure 6-2 A).


b. Wrap the bandage completely around the limb twice and past the raised corner (see figure 6-2 B).


Figure 6-2. Applying an anchor wrap.


c. Fold the corner over the second turn of the bandage (see figure 6-2C).


d. Continue wrapping the bandage around the limb a third time, bringing the bandage over and covering the turned-down corner. The bandage is now anchored.



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