Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Lesson 8: Administer CPR and Automated External Defibrillation (AED) on an
 Unconscious Casualty with Suspected Cardiac Arrest.


Exercises: Lesson 8

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INSTRUCTIONS: Circle the letter of the response that BEST completes the statement or BEST answers the question. After you have completed all of the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson exercises and check your answers. For each exercise that you answered incorrectly, reread the material referenced after the solution.


1. Why is early activation of EMS an important step in the chain of survival?

a. Only EMS can administer effective CPR.


b. Only EMS can use an AED.


c. EMS can bring defibrillation to the patient with in 10 minutes.


d. The patient will not survive unless EMS arrives to treat them.


2. What is the proper placement of the AED pads on the patient's chest?

a. One to the right of the sternum just below the clavicle; the other on the left

chest with the top of the pad 2-3 inches below the armpit.


b. One to the right chest with the top of the pad 2-3 inches below the armpit; the

other on the left chest with the top of the pad just below the clavicle.


c. One pad on the front of the chest in the center of the sternum and one pad in

the center of the back.


d. One to the right of the sternum just below the clavicle and directly over a

pacemaker; the other on the left chest with the top of the pad 2-3 inches below

the armpit.


3. What is your first action after a shock is delivered?

a. Wait for the AED to analyze the patient.


b. Check pulse.


c. Clear the patient.


d. Begin CPR.


4. When should the patient be prepared for transport?

a. When the patient regains an adequate pulse.


b. After six shocks have been delivered.


c. When the AED advises “no shock.”


d. When any of the above occurs.


5. What is the first step in treating a patient who becomes pulseless during transport?

a. Begin CPR.


b. Push the analyze button on the AED.


c. Stop the vehicle.


d. Drive faster.


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