Lesson 1: Self-Test

INSTRUCTIONS. Answer the following exercises by selecting the response that best answers the question or best completes the incomplete sentence.

The correct answers are found at the bottom of the page.

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1. Administration of an IV is indicated when a casualty is on the verge of shock or already in shock.

a. The statement is true.

b. The statement is false.

2. Which of the following is/are used in IV therapy?

a. Hypertonic saline and dextran.

b. Normal saline.

c. Ringer’s lactate.

d. Hextend®.

e. All of the above.

3. When administering and IV, you should continue to administer fluids until the patient has a palpable __________ pulse.

a. Carotid.

b. Femoral.

c. Radial.

4. To prepare an infusion site, you:

a. Cleanse the skin with an alcohol swab.

b. Apply a constricting band two inches above the site selected.

c. Palpate the vein selected.

d. All of the above.

5. When initiating an IV, you should insert the needle into the vein at approximately a _______ degree angle until blood is observed in the flash chamber of the catheter.

a. 10.

b. 20.

c. 30.

d. 45.

e. 90.

6. How often should the IV be checked for signs of inflammation?

a. At least every shift.

b. At least every 24 hours.

c. At least every 48 hours.

d. At least every 72 hours.

7. The temperature is 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the weather is sunny. The casualty is to be evacuated by air ambulance (helicopter). Do you still need to take precautions against hypothermia?

a. Yes, hypothermia can still occur.

b. No, the casualty may overheat.

8. Infiltration is:

a. Injury to vein during venipuncture or from later needle movement.

b. A state of increased blood volume.

c. An accumulation of fluids in the tissue surrounding the venipuncture site.

d. An obstruction of a blood vessel by air.

Lesson 1: Self-Test Answers

1. a (para 1-1)

2. e (paras 1-3a(1), (2))

3. c (paras 1-3d(3), (4))

4. d (paras 1-6b(1), (2), (3))

5. c (paras 1-6d(2), (3))

6. a (para 1-8n(4)(c))

7. a (para 1-4a)

8. c (para 1-8a)

Distance Learning for Medical and Nursing Professionals