Lesson 1: Initiate an Intravenous Infusion and Manage a Patient with an Intravenous Infusion

IV line secure
IV line secure

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Identify the purpose of initiating an intravenous infusion.
  • Identify fluids used in intravenous infusions.
  • Identify when an intravenous infusion should be initiated.
  • Identify the procedures for initiating an intravenous infusion.
  • Identify the procedures for performing a F.A.S.T.1 TM (First
  • Access For Shock and Trauma) procedure.
  • Identify complications from intravenous infusions and how they can be prevented and treated.


1.1 General

1.2 Fluid Resuscitation

1.3 Solutions used in Intravenous Therapy

1.4 Hypothermia Prevention

1.5 Preparing to Initiate an Intravenous Infusion

1.6 Procedure for Initiating an Intravenous Infusion

1.7 The F.A.S.T.1 ™ Procedure

1.8 Check for Complications of Intravenous Therapy

Lesson 1: Self-Test

Distance Learning for Medical and Nursing Professionals