After auscultation, palpate the abdomen.

Palpation is used to detect muscle guarding, tenderness, and masses. Gently palpate the abdomen, moving in a symmetrical pattern and covering all four quadrants.

Record any of the following findings, noting the location.

a. Rigidity or Guarding. This is the inability to relax the abdominal muscles. (Rigidity may be caused by nervousness or fear. Encourage the patient to breathe deeply and regularly to promote relaxation.)

b. Pain or Tenderness. Ask the patient to describe the pain if palpation elicits a painful or tender area.

c. Rebound Pain. This is pain felt upon release of pressure, as opposed to application of pressure.

d. Masses. Organs can be palpated for size and contour by a trained examiner. Additionally, masses and irregularities in and around the abdominal organs may be detected.

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