a. Make all beds in a nursing unit alike for uniformity of appearance.
A well-made bed is neat, comfortable, free of wrinkles, and readily adaptable to the specific needs of an individual patient.
b. When making beds, use good body mechanics and make each movement purposeful.
c. Handle all linen inorder to reduce dust and spread of microorganisms. Do not shake or fan out the clean or soiled linen. Hold the soiled linen away from your uniform and place it in the laundry hamper.
d. Provide clean blankets for each new hospital patient. Use cotton blankets for safety and economy of laundering.
e. Following Army Medical Department policy, use plastic protective cover on all mattresses and pillows. (Add a rubber or laminated cotton drawsheet to protect the bottom or foundation sheet as necessary.)
f. When standard cotton bedspreads are not available, use a top sheet as a blanket cover.