After having donned his own sterile gown and gloves, the scrub will assist other members of the sterile team into their gowns and gloves. Other members of the “sterile” team include the surgeon and his medical officer assistants, as well as other operating room specialists assigned to scrub.
a. Unfold a towel so that it is folded in half lengthwise and hand it to the scrubbed team member. While he is drying his hands, unfold his gown. Grasp the gown near the neckband using the thumb and index finger of each hand and roll the gown so that the outside surface is over (protecting) your gloved hands (see Figure 1-35). The arm holes of the gown are facing the team member being gowned. Offer the inside of the gown to the scrubbed team member and allow him to slip his arms into the gown sleeves (see Figure 1-35).

b. The scrub pulls the gown over the team member’s shoulders (see Figure 1-36). The circulator then secures the neck of the gown and ties the inside waist tie.

c. Grasp the right glove firmly at waist level. Keeping your thumbs extended and covered by the glove cuff, stretch the cuff so that he can introduce his hand without touching your gloves (see Figure 1-37).
1 Assisting the team member in donning the first glove. Note that the scrub has spread the cuff wide to permit the team member to introduce his hand without touching the scrub’s gloves.
2 Note also that the scrub protects his gloved fingers by holding them beneath the cuff of the glove, and his thumbs by holding them away from the partly-gloved hand.

While you are stretching the glove open, stand with one foot forward and one foot to the rear (see Figure 1-38). This stance will help you from being thrown off balance. (DO NOT snap the glove; bring it upward gently over the cuff of the gown.)
NOTE: Always offer the right glove first. Be careful that you do not get thrown off balance while the other team member introduces his hand into the glove (see Figure 1-38).

d. Repeat the technique described in paragraph c above for the left hand. The team member can assist with donning this glove (see Figure 1-39). Give the team member a moistened saline sponge so that he can remove excess powder from his gloves if the gloves are powdered.
NOTE: The scrub should remove the powder from his gloves again.

e. The circulator will readjust the neck fastener if needed and assist scrubbed team member with tying the outside waist tie of the gown. After the tie is secured, the gown is adjusted at the bottom (see Figure 1-34). Figure 1-40 shows a gloved and gowned team member.