Now that the gloves are on, the team member is ready to complete gown tie with assistance of the circulator. The powder from the gloves is washed off before the gown’s waist tie is tied and final adjustment is made in accordance with local SOP.
a. The scrub will take hold of the paper tab that holds the belt and belt tie located at waist level (see Figure 1-28) and pull the tab away from the belt tie.

b. The scrub will pass the paper tab that holds the belt to the circulator (see Figure 1-29).

c. The circulator will take hold of the paper tab, being very careful not to touch the belt, and will move to the side or behind the scrub (see Figure 1-30).

d. When the circulator is properly positioned (to the side or behind the scrub), the scrub will then take hold of the belt only being careful not to touch the paper tab and pull on the belt leaving the circulator with only the paper tab in his hand (see Figure 1-31).

NOTE: The circulator must hold on tight to the paper tab so that when the scrub pulls on the belt the tab doesn’t come with the belt and contaminates the scrub.
e. Now the scrub will take hold of the belt tie that is at waist level and tie the belt to it (see Figures 1-32 and 1-33).

Now that the gloves are on and final tie of the gown is done, the circulator completes his adjustment of the gown by stooping down, grasping the outside of the side seams at the bottom of the gown, and gently pulling down (see Figure 1-34) in accordance with local SOP.