Table 8

TABLE 8. Micronutrient deficiency disease outbreaks in refugee camps, 1984-1991


Disease              Year       (ref)        Location             Prevalence (%)


Scurvy               1984       (32)         Sudan                    22.0

                     1985       (32)         Somalia                 6.9-44.0

                     1989       (19)         Ethiopia                1.0-2.0

                     1991       (33)         Sudan                    NA

Xerophthalmia        1985       (34)         Sudan                    NA

Beriberi             1985        (1)         Thailand                 NA

Pellagra             1989       (35)       Malawi (11 camps)          0.5

                     1990       (35)       Malawi (11 camps)          6.3

Iron Deficiency

Anemia               1990*                   Syria, Jordan,         54.5-73.9

                                           West Bank & Gaza         (children)



                     1990+                   Ethiopia               10.0-13.0


*CDC, unpublished data.

+SCF, unpublished data.


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