Table 6

TABLE 6. Prevalence of acute undernutrition (<80% of median weight-for-height)

among children <5 years of age in famine-affected populations


                                           Population         Prevalence (%)

Dates       (ref)     Affected region      affected         acute undernutrition


1983        (23)      Mauritania            1,600,000           11.6-22.5%

1984-85     (24)      Niger                (5,400,000)*          9.8-13.7%

1985        (25)      Burkina Faso         (7,200,000)*          5.7-10.6%

1985        (26)      Chad                 (4,500,000)*         25.8-56.0%

1985        (27)      Somalia              unspecified          11.2-23.5%

1990        (28)      Haiti                unspecified           4.2%


*Population given is national population.


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