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Section V: Surgical Gown Technique |
The specialist is to abide by the following principles whenever he dons a sterile gown: a. If the specialist touches the outside of his gown while donning it, the gown is contaminated. If this occurs, discard the gown. The specialist is to touch only the inside of the gown while putting it on. NOTE: Surgical gowns are folded with the inside facing the specialist. This method of folding facilitates picking up and donning the gown without touching the outside surface. b. The specialist's scrubbed hands and arms are contaminated if he allows them to fall below waist level or to touch his body. The specialist, therefore, keeps his hands and arms above his waist and away from his body and at an angle of about 20 to 30 degrees above the elbows. c. After donning the surgical gown, the only parts of the gown that are considered sterile are the sleeves (except for the axillary area) and the front from waist level to a few inches below the neck opening. If the gown is touched or brushed by an unsterile object, the gown is then considered contaminated. The contaminated gown is removed using the proper technique. You must then don a new sterile gown. 1-18. PROCEDURE--CLOSED CUFF METHOD
1-19. PROCEDURE--OPEN CUFF METHODThe procedure is the same as that for the closed cuff method with the exception of the steps described in paragraph 1-18e and in Figures 1-18 and 1-19. a. Do not grasp the inside seam of the sleeve as described in paragraph 118e and shown in Figure 1-19. Allow your hands to protrude from the cuffs of the gown. b.The circulator reaches inside the gown sleeves at the shoulder seams and pulls the gown over your shoulders and the cuffs over your hands instead of performing this step of the procedure as described in paragraph 1-18f and Figure 1-19. Both you and the circulator must be careful that the gown cuffs are not pulled too high on the wrists. The edge of the cuff should be at the distal end of the wrist. NOTE: The scrub will proceed to the Glove Technique before completing final tie of gown. |
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