Lower respiratory tract infections (S.
pneumoniae, S. pyogenes and other streptococci, H.
influenzae, Klebsiella species, S. aureus, E. coli,H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, Serratia
marcescens, Enterobacter species, P. mirabilis)
Urinary tract infections (Enterococcus species, S.
aureus, S. epidermidis, Citrobacter sepcies, Enterobacter species, E. coli,
Klebsiella species, P.
mirabilis, P. vulgaris, P. inconstans group B, Providencia rettgeri, Morganella morganii, S. marcescens, Pseudomonas species)
Uncomplicated gonorrhea (N. gonorrhoeae)
Gynecological infections (S. epidermidis, streptococci, Enterococcus, Enterobacter species, E.
coli, Klebsiella species,P.
mirabilis, Bacteroides species,
Clostridium species, anaerobic
cocci (Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus), Fusobacterium species)
Intra-abdominal infections (E. coli, S. epidermidis, Streptococcus species, Enterobacter species, Klebsiella species, Bacteroides species, Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus species)
Bacteremia/septicemia (Klebsiella species, E. coli,
S. marcescens, S. aureus, streptococci)
Skin, bone and joint infections (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. pyogenes, Actinetobacter species, E.
coli, Citrobacter species, Klebsiella species, M.
morganii, P. mirabilis, S. marcescens, P.
rittgeri, P. vulgaris, Pseudomonas species, Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Bacteriodes species and anaerobic cocci
(including Peptococcus and Peptostreptococcus species))
CNS infections/meningitis (H. influenzae, N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, K. pneumoniae, E. coli)
Reactions (Side Effects):
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
by injection (IM and IV)
gonococcal urethritis/cervicitis:
rectal gonorrhea (female):
rectal gonorrhea (male):
uncomplicated infections:
moderate to severe infections:
other sites
infections generally requiring high dose
life-threatening infections:
peri-operative prophylaxis:
Cesarean section:
Child (0-1 week)
Child (1-4 weeks)
Child (1 month – 12 years)
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Distribution is unlimited. The information contained here is an abbreviated summary. For more detailed and complete information, consult the manufacturer's product information sheets or standard textbooks.
Source: Operational Medicine 2001, Health Care in Military Settings, NAVMED P-5139, May 1, 2001, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy, 2300 E Street NW, Washington, D.C., 20372-5300.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Department of the Navy
2300 E Street NW
Washington, D.C
20372-5300 |
Operational Medicine
Health Care in Military Settings
CAPT Michael John Hughey, MC, USNR
January 1, 2001 |
United States Special Operations
7701 Tampa Point Blvd.
MacDill AFB, Florida
33621-5323 |
*This web version is provided by The Brookside Associates, LLC. It contains
original contents from the official US Navy NAVMED P-5139, but has been
reformatted for web access and includes advertising and links that were not
present in the original version. The medical information presented was reviewed and felt to be accurate in 2001. Medical knowledge and practice methods may have changed since that time. Some links may no longer be active. This web version has not been approved by the
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