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Operational Medicine 2001
Navy Medical Department Pocket Guide to Malaria Prevention and Control
Technical Manual NEHC-TM6250.98-2 (August 1998)

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Navy Medical Department Guide to Malaria Prevention and Control

Appendix 1: Information and Intelligence Sources; Consultants

Department of the Navy
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Introduction. Resources listed in this appendix for malaria and DNBI prevention are divided into two general sections, Medical Information and Medical Intelligence. Directions on how to acquire information, references, or software are included along with points of contact and Internet/E-mail addresses. Some of the Medical Intelligence products listed are classified and require a security clearance for access.

I. Medical Information

  1. Military Sources

    1. General Policy and Guidance

      • Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
        Division of Occupational and Preventive Medicine
        (MED-24B) 2300 E Street NW
        Washington, DC 20372-5300
        Phone: (202) 762-3495; DSN: 294-3495;
        FAX: (202) 762-3490

      • Navy Environmental Health Center
        Preventive Medicine Directorate
        2510 Walmer Ave., Suite A
        Norfolk, VA 23513-2617
        Phone: (757) 363-5593; DSN: 864-5593
        FAX: (757) 444-1345, DSN 564-

    2. Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Units
      (NEPMUs), four world-wide:

      • Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit 2
        Epidemiology Department, Norfolk, VA
        Phone: (757) 444-7671; DSN 564-
        Fax: (757) 444-1191; DSN 564-

      • Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit 5
        Epidemiology Department, San Diego, CA
        Phone: (619) 556-7070; DSN 526-
        Fax: (619) 556-7071; DSN 526-7071;

      • Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit 6
        Epidemiology Department, Pearl Harbor, HI
        Phone: (808) 471-9505; DSN 471-
        Fax: (808) 474-9361; DSN 471-

      • Navy Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit 7
        Epidemiology Department, Sigonella NAS, Sicily, Italy
        Phone: From US 011-39-95-56-3781;
        From Italy 095-56-3781;
        from Europe 0039-95-56-3781; DSN 624-3781
        Fax: from US 011-39-95-56-3781; DSN 624-3781

      • NEPMUs Publications and Services available:

        • Pre-deployment medical briefings.

        • Courses on malaria, hepatitis, field sanitation, etc.

        • Consultation with representative of Epidemiology Department.

        • PPM -entomologist.

    3. Navy Disease Vector Ecology and Control Centers (DVECCs), two within CONUS:

      • DVECC, Jacksonville: P.O. Box 43, Bldg. 937, Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL 32212-0043 (904) 542-2424; DSN 942-

      • DVECC, Bangor: 19950 Seventh Ave. Poulsbo, WA 98370-7405 (360) 315-4450; DSN 322-

      • DVECC Publications and services available:

        • "VECTRAPS," or vector reports, descriptions of disease vectors and control measures worldwide.

        • Information on pesticide usage and resistance and personal protective measures.

    4. Navy Infectious Diseases Consultants

      • National Naval Medical Center
        Infectious Diseases Division
        8901 Wisconsin Ave
        Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
        DSN: 295-4237
        Phone: (301) 295-4237
        Fax: -2831

      • Naval Medical Center
        Infectious Diseases Division
        620 John Paul Jones Circle
        Portsmouth, VA 23708
        DSN: 564-5179
        Phone: (757) 953-5179
        Fax: -7674

      • Naval Medical Center
        Infectious Diseases Division
        34800 Bob Wilson Drive
        San Diego, CA 92134-1201
        DSN: 522-7475
        Phone: (619) 532-7475
        Fax: -7478/8798

    5. Naval Medical Research Units

      • Naval Medical Research Institute
        Director for Malaria Programs
        12300 Washington Ave
        Rockville, MD 20852
        Phone: (202) 295-0026, 2079; DSN 295-0026, 2079;
        Fax: (202) 295-6171

      • U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute No. 3
        PSC 452, Box 5000 FPO AE 09835-0007
        (Cairo, Egypt)
        Phone: ask overseas operator for Cairo, 820727

      • U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute No. 2
        Box 3, APO AP 96520
        (Jakarta, Indonesia)
        Phone: ask overseas operator for Jakarta, 414-507

      • U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment
        American embassy Unit 3800, APO AA 34031-0008
        (Lima, Peru)
        Phone: ask overseas operator for Lima, 52-1560, 9662
        Within U.S.: 011-51-14-52-1562, 9662

    6. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

      • Division of Preventive Medicine (202) 782-1334; DSN 662-

      • Travel Medicine Clinic (202) 782-1302/1312; DSN 662-

    7. Preventive Medicine Recommendations for specific operations

      • Available from the JTF or CINC Surgeon's office, Fleet or Force Surgeon's office, or the Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit assigned to the area of operation.

      • If involved in the planning phase for a regularly recurring exercise, obtain the Joint Universal Lessons Learned (JULLS) related to Preventive Medicine from the Joint Center for Lessons Learned (JCLL), or someone involved in previous operations or exercises. The JCLL is designed to support short-notice crisis planning, and is managed by the Joint Staff J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate, Evaluation and Analysis Division. Point of Contact is the JCLL analyst or NCOIC on call; phone number is (703) 695-4604, or DSN: 225-.

    8. Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center. See Medical Intelligence section for description of AFMIC products including the Medical Environmental Disease Intelligence and Countermeasures CD-ROM ("MEDIC").

    9. Internet Homepages:

      • USUHS; links to many additional useful sites.

      • NEHC Web page:

  2. Civilian Sources

    1. Sources for Individual Travelers.
      These are commercial, computer-based, medically oriented travel risk information and recommendation services which are updated regularly.

      • TravaxTM Shoreland, Inc. P.O. Box 13795 Milwaukee, WI, 53213-0795; (800) 755-2301; (414) 774-4600; Fax-4060

      • Travel CareTM, Care Ware, Inc. 9559 Poole Street, La Jolla, CA, 92037; (619) 455-1484; Fax -5429

      • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Fax Information Service for International Travel. To receive a document call (404) 332-4565, and follow the prompts. To get a directory, call the fax number and enter "document number 000005" when prompted by the voice menu. This service is available year round, 24 hours a day.

    2. Internet Homepages And Other Computer Related Sources:

      • CDC:

      • American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), join and add membership in the American Committee on Clinical Tropical Medicine and Traveler's Health (ACCTMTH) for $10 extra dues. If already a member of ASTMH, request membership in ACCTMTH through Dr. David Freedman: acctmh @

      • PROMED: Intended to be an increasingly sensitive aid for detection of outbreaks worldwide: /promed/

      • Medical Matrix: Huge database listing hundreds of Internet available information sources: matrix/

      • Shoreland Travel Health Information Service: http//

      • Free MEDLINE search: /pubmed

      • Harvard: gopher: //

      • Rollins School of Medicine at Emory University, Public Health Resources on the web: hpresearch.html

  3. Textbooks and Publications

    1. Medical Products for Supporting Military Readiness: Vaccines & Drugs ("The GO Book"), Nov 1996, U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command: Secretary of the General Staff, USA-MC, Fort Detrick, Maryland, (301) 619-7111, DSN: 343-

    2. Pocket Book of Infectious Disease Therapy, Bartlett JG, Williams & Wilkins, 1996

    3. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, Benenson, ed., American Public Health Association, 1995

    4. Hunter's Tropical Medicine, Strickland, ed., Saunders, 7th Edition, 1991

    5. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, Mandell et. al., Churchill Livingstone, 4th Edition, 1995

    6. Manson's Tropical Diseases, Cook, ed., Saunders, 1996

    7. Wilderness Medicine, Auerbach, ed., Mosby, 1995

    8. The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy, Sanford, ed., Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc., yearly

II. Medical Intelligence

  1. AFMIC. The primary source of medical intelligence products is the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC), a division of the Defense Intelligence Agency, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Described are the medical intelligence products AFMIC provides:

    • Medical Environmental Disease Intelligence and Countermeasures CD-ROM ("MEDIC"). "MEDIC" provides worldwide disease and environmental health risks hyperlinked to Joint Service approved country-specific countermeasure recommendations and other pertinent military medical references. Also included in "MEDIC" are military and civilian health care delivery capabilities, operational information, arthropod vector information, an expanded poisonous snake section on some countries, an expanded section on poisonous and injurious plants, and significant portions of Benenson's Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (included by permission from the American Public Health Association).

    • Infectious Disease Risk Assessment, (IDRA) and Environmental Health Risk Assessment, (EHRA). Infectious Disease and Environmental Health Risk Assessments are unclassified risk assessments on individual countries without countermeasure recommendations. They are available in three media: by message, via the AFMIC bulletin board system (BBS), and on the "MEDIC" CD-ROM. The most current assessments are available through the BBS, and each month some countries are updated through a cyclic update process. Assessments are oriented for and available only to operational U.S. military personnel. lDRAs and EHRAs were formerly known as the Disease and Environmental Alert Reports (DEARs).

    • Disease Occurrence Worldwide (DOWW). Classified and unclassified supplements to IDRAs and EHRAs. The DOWW is a monthly compilation of reports on disease outbreaks which serve as late-breaking updates to the IDRA. DOWW is published as an unclassified message with a classified supplement if necessary.

    • AFMIC Wire. A bi-weekly message serving as an update of infectious disease and environmental risks worldwide. AFMIC's version of Headline News, it is a current intelligence document, which presents analysis of new information of potential tactical interest. In addition to the scheduled wire, "Special Wires" may be produced periodically on topics of interest to deploying units.

    • Medical Capability Studies (MEDCAP). Information on foreign country assets and medical infrastructure. It evaluates the ability of a country to support its armed forces in peace and war, and the suitability of facilities in the country to support U.S. operations. These studies are produced on countries of tactical significance, usually those with power projection capability.

    • Health Services Assessment (HSA). Health Service Assessments are comprehensive evaluations of a country's health infrastructure, and may be considered a short form of the MEDCAP. HSA evaluates a country in less detail, and is designed to provide an overview of a country's civilian and military/health care systems to support operational planning.

    • Urban Area Medical Capabilities Study. The Urban Study was recently redesigned to meet the needs of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). It includes a map of the urban area, general health information, and locations, descriptions, and photographs of key medical treatment facilities.

    • AFMIC Bulletin Board System (BBS). The BBS is an automated on-line system for the dissemination of unclassified medical intelligence products. This system is designed to provide timely, user friendly access to finished AFMIC products. All textual components of the "MEDIC" are available on the BBS. The BBS System Operator may be reached at (301) 619-2686 or DSN 343-2686. The BBS may be accessed by dialing: (301) 619-3625 or 2000 or DSN 343-3625 or 2000.

    • Request for Information (RFIs). An RFI is a way to ask AFMIC for answers to questions not found in published studies, usually requiring AFMIC to assemble specific information. The RFI system is designed to respond to requests for specific information on countries or areas worldwide, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. RFIs should be directed to AFMIC through unit intelligence sections by way of the Community On-line Intelligence System for End-Users and Managers (COLISEUM) or by contacting AFMIC Operations at their 24 hour contact number, (301) 619-7574 or DSN 343-7574. Their phones are secure via STU-III through the TS-SCI level.
      Procedures for obtaining the AFMIC wire, the DOWW, the IDRA, and the EHRA. AFMIC produces the AFMIC Wire under Address Indicator Group (AIG) 6623 for CONUS plus Alaska & Hawaii, and under AIG 12630 for OCONUS not including Alaska & Hawaii. The DOWW, IDRA, and EHRA are transmitted under AIG 12243 for CONUS plus Alaska & Hawaii and AIG 11829 for OCONUS not including Alaska & Hawaii. To be added to distribution for any of the AFMIC message products, please send name, organization, mailing address, routing indicator, plain language address, DSN and commercial telephone numbers, and a brief justification to:

      ATTN: MA-1
      Frederick, MD 21702-5004

      AFMIC can be reached at (301) 619-3837 or DSN 343-3837 for information.

    • Procedures for receiving hardcopy AFMIC products and other intelligence products. Hardcopy publications produced by AFMIC are disseminated by the Defense Intelligence Agency through the Defense Intelligence Dissemination System (DIDS). An organization receives products based on requirements registered by the organization's Intelligence Office (IN) in a Statement of Intelligence Interest (SII). Largely, the SII is maintained by the IN or Security Office. Once a document is published by AFMIC, it is automatically mailed to the organization's IN or Security Office for distribution within the organization.

      Once an organization has an SII registered distribution for AFMIC hardcopy products, but is not receiving some publications, its IN can modify the SII by adding the desired Intelligence Function Codes (IFCs) and country codes for those publications.

      If an organization does not have an SII registered with DIA, follow the procedures as outlined in DIA Regulation No. 59-1, dated 12 June 1995, "DoD Intelligence Dissemination Program."

  2. CIA World Factbook. The CIA World Factbook is an unclassified publication that provides general political and economic data on all countries of the world. It is updated annually and available as a hardcopy publication or through the Internet CIA home page. There is also a classified supplement that provides information on military, security, and intelligence forces worldwide.

  3. Military Capabilities Study (MCS). The MCS is designed to serve as a ready reference document for national, operational, and tactical planners and consumers. Each study presents a compilation of intelligence on forces and resources that contribute to the military security of each country, and on the political and economic factors affecting the country's military capabilities.

  4. Intelink. This is the classified Internet system, and functions in the same manner as NetscapeR or Internet ExchangeR, and documents can be easily downloaded and printed. Within the intelligence community it is rapidly becoming the preferred method of dissemination of information.
    The ultimate goal is to have INTELINK available to all battalion level and higher intelligence sections. National level intelligence organizations, including each of the Unified Command Joint Intelligence Centers and AFMIC have home pages on INTELINK. All AFMIC products, and most recent intelligence publications, may be found there.

  5. Internet Sites. There are a number of unclassified sources available. The Central Intelligence Agency has a home page where users may access the World Factbook. The State Department home page contains State Department country fact sheets, embassy information, and travel advisories. Other commercial databases are available which address travel medicine. Take time to find and bookmark useful resources.

  6. Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS). This secure telecommunications system links sites throughout the intelligence and operations communities, and allows secure teleconferencing. In support of time sensitive or complex requirements, it may be possible to arrange a teleconference between medical planners and AFMIC analysts. To arrange a conference, contact the unit intelligence officer to determine if a JWICS site exists and is available, then work with the local site manager and AFMIC Operations on specifics.



Approved for public release; Distribution is unlimited.

The listing of any non-Federal product in this CD is not an endorsement of the product itself, but simply an acknowledgement of the source. 

Operational Medicine 2001

Health Care in Military Settings

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Department of the Navy
2300 E Street NW
Washington, D.C

Operational Medicine
 Health Care in Military Settings
CAPT Michael John Hughey, MC, USNR
  January 1, 2001

United States Special Operations Command
7701 Tampa Point Blvd.
MacDill AFB, Florida

This web version is provided by The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division.  It contains original contents from the official US Navy NAVMED P-5139, but has been reformatted for web access and includes advertising and links that were not present in the original version. This web version has not been approved by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense. The presence of any advertising on these pages does not constitute an endorsement of that product or service by either the US Department of Defense or the Brookside Associates. The Brookside Associates is a private organization, not affiliated with the United States Department of Defense.

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