Emergency War Surgery NATO Handbook: Part I: Types of Wounds and Injuries: Chapter
II: Missile-Caused Wounds
United States Department of Defense
Previous contributions to earlier editions of this handbook devoted considerable effort
to differentiating between the magnitude of injury caused by "ordinary" versus
"high" velocity missile wounds. To a certain extent, as a result of experience
gained in recent conflicts and to a greater extent based on wound ballistic research
performed over the past decade, new and somewhat different concepts are evolving. One very
fundamental concept is that the high-velocity wound is not necessarily a totally different
entity, as had been previously thought.
Certain misconceptions continue to be associated with the high-velocity projectile. One
misconception concerns the very development of high-velocity weapons. The explanation
usually encountered is that these weapons were developed to deliver greater wounding power
and higher lethality. Proponents offer the kinetic energy formula in support of their
position. Weapons developers state that the real reason that certain countries shifted to
low weight, high-velocity projectiles was that their soldiers (who were not the best
marksmen) tended to conserve their ammunition and were not discharging their weapons until
the enemy was close at hand. It was reasoned that an automatic weapon would obviate some
of these shortcomings. From a practical standpoint, the automatic weapon, with its
increased requirement for ammunition, necessitated lighter weight ammunition. To
compensate for the loss in missile mass, if wounding power was to be maintained, it was
necessary to increase missile velocity. These tradeoffs resulted in considerably less
recoil, making it easier to maintain the sight picture on repetitive shots, resulting in
increased accuracy. The lighter cartridge allowed the individual infantryman to carry the
increase in basic load of ammunition (more rounds, same weight) and allowed the maneuver
element to present the enemy with greater and more sustained firepower.
These are important considerations as the spectrum of warfare shifts more to the left,
such as with guerilla-type warfare in which small units engage one another at isolated
points, usually at considerable distances from strong points that offer safe haven and
resupply. In circumstances such as these, the ability to carry double or triple the basic
ammunition load allows small units to take advantage of the increased and sustained
firepower that lighter, higher velocity missiles offer. It was for this reason that the
current generation of high-velocity weapons was designed, rather than to develop a weapon
that inflicts a more severe wound.
It is vigorously affirmed by some that velocity, almost to the exclusion of mass, is
the operative factor in wounding power. From a theoretical standpoint, velocity can be the
dominant determinant of kinetic energy (KE); doubling the mass only doubles the KE,
whereas doubling the velocity quadruples the KE. However, from a practical standpoint,
doubling the velocity is very difficult to achieve. The M-16 represents only a 10%
increase in velocity over the M-14 it replaced. On the other hand, quadrupling the mass is
easy. Switch from a .22 to a .44 caliber projectile and you immediately square the mass;
then double the length of the projectile so that it flies straighter and you now have an
eightfold increase in KE at the same velocity.
There are some who mistakenly believe that only the more modern, higher velocity
projectiles produce temporary cavitation. The 1870-1890 Vetterli deforming bullet, typical
of the military rounds utilized at that time, is depicted in Figure 2. It should be noted that in spite of its
relatively low velocity, only 1,357 ft/sec, a very substantial temporary cavity is
produced. The formation of a temporary cavity is not a new phenomenon associated with
modern high-velocity weapons.

Figure 2
Some maintain that a larger-exit-than-entry wound is evidence of the devastating
potential of increases in velocity. While this in fact may be the case (and exit wounds
are larger than entry wounds in about 60 percent of the cases), the difference in the size
of the wound of entry and exit is not per se directly attributable to velocity since the
velocity is greater at the smaller entry wound and lesser at the greater exit wound. The
larger exit wound, when present, is caused by projectile yaw, by projectile fragmentation,
or as a result of multiple secondary bone fragment projectile. Projectile yaw represents a
deviation of the longitudinal axis of the bullet from its line of flight. Rifling within
the gun barrel impacts a spin to the bullet, which stabilizes the projectile's flight in
air, preventing yaw. The stability imparted by rifling is not enough to prevent yaw in
tissues or when the missile passes through foliage or other intermediate objects. Tumbling
simply represents yaw that has progressed to a full 180°, at which point the center of
mass results in stabilized base forward flight.
The point to be borne in mind is that while the high-velocity projectile has the
potential for higher energy transfer with subsequent greater tissue disruption, this may
not always be the case. Whereas the military surgeon should have some familiarity with
wound ballistics and the "worst case" result of high-velocity missile wounds,
the surgeon is better advised to concern himself with the individual wound that confronts
him rather than with the variable potential of the weapon. On the other hand, wounds of
the brain, liver, and heart caused by high-velocity projectiles are catastrophic in
The study of wound ballistics attempts to predict and to analyze the damage that will
be sustained by the different tissue types when struck by missiles of varying sizes,
shapes, weights, and velocities. Missiles that penetrate the human body disrupt, destroy,
or contuse tissue, invariably resulting in a contaminated wound. Subsequent triage and
treatment decisions are based upon an estimation of the type of wound, the location of the
wound, and the amount of tissue disruption. Objective data from the physical examination
and appropriate roentgenographic studies of the casualty provide the information necessary
to make these decisions.
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Operational Medicine 2001
Health Care in Military Settings
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Department of the Navy
2300 E Street NW
Washington, D.C
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Operational Medicine
Health Care in Military Settings
CAPT Michael John Hughey, MC, USNR
January 1, 2001 |
United States Special Operations Command
7701 Tampa Point Blvd.
MacDill AFB, Florida
33621-5323 |
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