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Glossary |
abortion - Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable and capable of extrauterine existence. amniocentesis - The withdrawal of amniotic fluid by insertion of a needle through The abdominal and the uterine wall. amniotic fluid embolism - Accidental infusion of amniotic fluid into the mother's bloodstream under pressure from the contracting uterus. APGAR scoring - A method of evaluating the condition of a newborn. B bilirubin -- Yellow or orange pigment that is a breakdown product of hemoglobin. C caput succedaneum - An abnormal collection of fluid under the scalp or on top of the skull that may or may not cross the suture lines. cardinal movements - Movements made by the fetus during the first and second stage of labor. cephalhematoma - A collection of blood between a cranial bone and its overlying periosteum. D dilation and curettage (D&C) - Dilation of the cervix and curettage of the uterus. dystocia of labor - Labor that is difficult which is due to mechanical and functional factors. E ectopic pregnancy - Pregnancy that does not occupy the uterine cavity properly. edema - Abnormal excessive fluid within the body tissues. edematous - Characterized by the presence of edema. emergency delivery - Refers to an unplanned,.non-delivery room,.non-hospital birth which occurs as a result of precipitious labor, geographical distance from the hospital, or other cause for the unexpected delivery. erythoblasts - An immature, inadequate form of red blood cells normally found only in the bone marrow. FG grandmultipara - A woman who has had six or more births past the age of viability. gravida - A pregnant woman; refers to any pregnancy regardless of duration. H hemolysis - A disruption of the integrity of the red cell membrane which causes the release of hemoglobin. hormone - A chemical substance produced in an organ, which, being carried to an associated organ by the bloodstream, excites in the later organ a functional activity. hydatidiform mole - An abnormal growth of a fertilized ovum. hydramnios - An excess of amniotic fluid. hyperemesis gravidarun - Severe nausea and vomiting that lasts beyond the fourth month of pregnancy., hypoglycemia - A deficiency of glucose in the blood. hyponatremia - A deficiency of sodium in the blood. hypothermia - Refers to subnormal temperature. I identical twins - Twins developed from a single fertilized ovum; they are of the same sex. in utero - Within the uterus. ischial spines - Two relatively sharp bony projections protruding into the pelvic outlet from the ischial bones that form the lower lateal border of the pelvis. It is used in determining the progress of the fetus down the birth canal. ischial tuberosities - The major bony sitting support; important in measuring a transverse diameter of the pelvis. isthmus - The portion of the uterus that joins the corpus to the cervix. JKL lactation - The production of milk by the mammary glands. lochia flow - Vaginal discharge during the puerperium consisting of blood, tissue, and mucous. M mastitis - Inflammation of the breast tissue. molding - Shaping of the baby's head as it travels through the birth canal. morning sickness - Refers to nausea and vomiting usually in the morning during the first weeks of pregnancy. multi-fetal pregnancy - Pregnancy involving two or more fetuses. multigravida - A woman who has been pregnant more than once. multipara - A woman who has delivered two or more fetuses past the age of viability. myelomeningocele - A hernial protrusion of the cord and its meninges through a defect in the vertebral canal. N neonatal - Refers to the newborn infant or the first four weeks of life after birth. NPO - Latin abbreviation, nil per os; nothing by mouth. nulligravidi - A woman who has never been pregnant. nullipara - A woman who has not delivered a child who reached viability. O obstetrics - The branch of medicine concerned with the care of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartal period. oliguria - Secretion of a diminished amount of urine in relation to the fluid intake. operative obstetrics - Refers to a number of special procedures (episiotomy, forceps delivery, cesarean section, induction of labor) which the physician may use to assist the patient in labor and delivery. P
palpation - Examination by touch or feel. para - A woman who has delivered a viable child (not necessarily living at birth). placenta - A specialized disk-shaped organ that connects the fetus to the uterine walls for gas and nutrient exchange; also referred to as the afterbirth. placental abruption - Premature separation of a normally implanted placenta. placenta previa - A placenta that is implanted in the lower uterine segment so that it adjoins or covers the internal os of the cervix. polycythemia - An abnormal condition that is characterized by an excess of red blood cells. polyuria - The passage of a large volume of urine in a given period. postnatal - Occurring after birth. postpartum - The period after childbirth, or after delivery. post term pregnancy - Pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks gestation. precipitate delivery - Refers to delivery which results after an unusually rapid labor (less than 3 hours) and culminates in the rapid, spontaneous expulsion of an infant. prenatal - Before birth; also referred to as antepartal. preterm labor - Labor that occurs prior to 38 weeks gestation. primigravida - A woman pregnant for the first time primipara - A woman who has delivered one child after the age of viability. puerperal infection - Any infection of the reproductive tract during the first six weeks of postpartum. QRST term pregnancy - A gestation of 38 to 42 weeks. thrombophlebitis - Inflammation or infection of pooled and clotted blood in a vein. UV varicose veins - Permanently distended veins. varicosities - Refers to dilated, tortuous veins which result from incompetent values within those veins viability - The capability of a fetus to survive outside the uterus at the earliest gestation age, approximately 22 to 23 weeks gestation. W X Y Z End of Glossary |
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