and Ethinyl Estradiol (Lo/Ovral) |
Pregnancy and lactation
Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
Known or suspected benign or malignant liver tumors while on oral
contraceptive use
- Breast carcinoma or estrogen-dependent neoplasia
Current or history of thromboembolic disorders, cerebral vascular or
cardiovascular disease.
Pregnancy category X
Take as directed at intervals not exceeding 24 hours. Efficiency is dependent upon strict compliance.
Breakthrough bleeding (“spotting”) may occur during initiation of
Use an alternate form of contraception during first month of initial
Instructions for missed doses:
One missed dose: Take as soon as possible or two tablets the next
day and continue
Two missed doses: Take two tablets daily for two days, then
continue normal schedule
Three missed doses: Discontinue therapy and begin new packet 7
days following last dose
May cause mental depression, fluid retention and depressed folate
Twenty-eight day packs contain seven days of inert ingredients to
maintain regimen
Begin therapy on the fifth day of the cycle. Day one of cycle is the first day of menstrual bleeding.
Adverse Reactions (Side Effects):
Abdominal cramping, anorexia, nausea, vomiting
Edema, weight gain
Unusual tiredness or weakness
Cardiovascular disorders (hypertension)
Thromboembolic disorders
Administered orally
For more information on Oral Contraceptive Pills, read:
The information contained here is an
abbreviated summary. For more detailed and complete information, consult the
manufacturer's product information sheets or standard textbooks
Source: Operational Medicine 2001, Health
Care in Military Settings, NAVMED P-5139, May 1, 2001, Bureau
of Medicine and Surgery, Department of the Navy, 2300 E Street NW, Washington,
D.C., 20372-5300
This information is provided by The Brookside Associates. The Brookside
Associates, LLC. is a private organization, not affiliated with any governmental
agency. The opinions presented here are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the Brookside Associates or the Department
of Defense. The presence of any advertising on these pages does not constitute
an endorsement of that product or service by either the US Department of Defense
or the Brookside Associates. All material presented here is unclassified.
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