1.13 Placenta Previa

a. Placenta previa is hemorrhage resulting from the low implantation of the placenta on the interior uterine wall.

It is common in multiparous mothers. The cause is unknown.

b. There are three types of placenta previa.

Each type is identified according to the degree to which condition is present (see figure 1-5).

(1) Total placenta previa. This occurs when the placenta completely covers the internal os.

(2) Partial placenta previa. This occurs when the placenta partially covers the internal os.

(3) Low implantation of placenta previa. This occurs when the placenta is attached at the opening or border to the cervical os, but not covering it.

Figure 1-5. Types of placenta previa.
Figure 1-5. Types of placenta previa.

c. Nursing implications are listed below.

(1) Teach the patient to report any painless vaginal bleeding.

(2) Monitor vital signs. Hypovolemic shock may be present.

(3) Monitor fetal heart tones per orders.

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