1.12 Ectopic Pregnancy

a. Ectopic pregnancy (figures 1-3 and 1-4) is any pregnancy that does not occupy the uterine cavity properly.

The causes of ectopic pregnancy are abnormally narrowed fallopian tubes, infection (scar tissue on the fallopian tubes), or tumor formation. Hemorrhage is extremely serious. The classic symptom is a severe knife-like pain in the lower abdominant quadrant.

b. Nursing implications are listed below.

(1) Provide comfort measures to the mother.

(2) Offer emotional support to anxious/frightened the mother.

(3) Offer emotional support to the mother as she is depressed from loss of her child.

(4) Assess the spiritual needs of mother and child.

Figure 1-3. Sites of ectopic pregnancy.
Figure 1-3. Sites of ectopic pregnancy.
Figure 1-4. Tubal pregnancy.
Figure 1-4. Tubal pregnancy.

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