3.04 Danger of Precipitate Delivery

There are several misfortunes associated with precipitate delivery for both the mother and the infant.

They are classified as maternal and neonatal.

a. Maternal.

(1) May cause lacerations of the cervix, vagina, and/or perineum. Rapid descent and delivery of an infant does not allow maternal tissues adequate time to stretch and accommodate the passage of the infant.

(2) There may be hemorrhaging originating from lacerations and/or hematomas of the cervix, vagina, or perineum. There may also be hemorrhaging from the uterus. Uterine atony may result from muscular exhaustion after unusually strong and rapid labor.

(3) There may be infection as a result of unsterile delivery.

b. Neonatal.

(1) May cause intracranial hemorrhage resulting from a sudden change in pressure on the fetal head during rapid expulsion.

(2) May cause aspiration of amniotic fluid, if unattended at or immediately following delivery.

(3) There may be infection as a result of unsterile delivery.

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