5.12 Changes in Body Weight during Pregnancy

a. Normal weight gain is about 24 to 30 pounds during pregnancy.

b. Weight gain in pregnancy.

(1) There is a slight loss of pounds during early pregnancy if the patient experiences much nausea and vomiting.

(2) She then gains 2 to 4 pounds by the end of the first trimester.

(3) A gain of a pound per week is expected during the second and third trimesters.

(4) Monitoring of weight gain should be done in conjunction with close monitoring of blood pressure.

(5) A lack of significant weight gain may be an indication of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) of the infant.

(6) Patients with multiple fetuses will require a higher caloric diet and expect a higher weight gain than a patient with only one fetus.

c. Adequate protein intake should be emphasized to the patient for development of the healthy fetus and proper diet reviewed at each prenatal visit.

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