4.11 Special Needs of Siblings

The response of siblings to pregnancy varies with age and dependence needs.

Open communication with siblings will be very beneficial.

Inform the parents to:

a. Prepare children for the arrival of the newborn.

(1) Consider ages and personalities when talking with children.

(2) Inform older children first, but do not leave out the younger ones. Children understand far more than you may think.

(3) Emphasize that the baby is not replacing anyone but is an addition to be loved by all.

b. Make physical changes to the home if necessary.

(1) Changes should be made well in advance, especially if it means changing siblings room or bed arrangements.

(2) Include children in the changes and adjustments.

c. Prepare children for the separation from their mother during the delivery.

(1) Evaluate hospital sibling visitation policies in advance.

(2) If available, let siblings go meet the newborn and see their mother in the hospital.

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