4.05 Characteristics of Second Trimester of Pregnancy

a. The patient develops a sense of well-being. Her body becomes adjusted to hormonal changes.

The early discomforts of pregnancy have subsided. Usually, she has adjusted psychologically to the realities and inconveniences, which accompany pregnancy. Her fears have subsided, at least temporarily. She has passed the initial miscarriage stage; she begins telling everyone she is pregnant. She develops a “glow” of pregnancy.

b. “Quickening” is experienced. The patient actually feels life; this act of fetal movement confirms the pregnancy. The father can also feel the movement; he can then identify with the reality of pregnancy and accept it.

c. The fetus heartbeat is heard.

d. Both parents develop an interest in fetal growth and development.

e. The interest in processes of labor and delivery is expressed. At this point, the parents may enroll in classes on childbirth and read appropriate literature.

f. The patient may have wide mood swings. She may be happy to sad for no apparent reason.

NOTE: Reassurance to the pregnant patient is very important to her–these are normal emotional reactions to pregnancy.

g. The patient may have a tendency to introvert or to focus on herself as the center of attention. She may concentrate on her own needs and the needs of the fetus inside her. She reflects on her own childhood and her relationship with her mother. She is preoccupied with her own thoughts and feelings. Preoccupation may cause trouble for her and those around her. Those persons close to the patient must be informed to expect her passiveness and dependency during this time. Extra love and attention should be given to her during this time, as this will allow the patient to give more of herself.

h. Changes in sexuality. The patient may have increased her interest in sex, the fear of pregnancy is no longer a problem and the fear of hurting the fetus is gone. There is an increase in sexual fantasies and dreams, and an increase in vaginal lubrication. An increase in vaginal lubrication increases comfort for the mother during intercourse. However, the partner may need to change positions for the comfort of the female.

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