Lesson 03: Self-Test

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that best answers the exercise, by completing the incomplete statement, or by writing the answer in the space(s) provided.

After you have completed all of these exercises, scroll to the bottom of the page and check your answers. For each exercise answered incorrectly, reread the material referenced with the solution.

1. Which of the following signs and symptoms of pregnancy is one of the earliest clues of pregnancy?

a. Morning sickness.

b. Vaginal changes.

c. Breast changes.

d. Amenorrhea.

2. Nausea and vomiting usually occurs:

a. At night.

b. Early morning.

c. Mid afternoons.

d. No specific time.

3. Frequent urination is not considered a definite sign of pregnancy because other factors can be apparent. The factors include:

a. Tension, diabetes, urinary tract infection, or tumors.

b. Influenza, encephalitis, appendicitis, or indigestion.

c. Anxiety and anorexia nervosa.

d. Excessive exercise.

4. Changes of the breast during early pregnancy are distinguished by:

a. Darkening of the areola.

b. Fullness and mild tingling.

c. Increased firmness and tenderness.

d. Enlargement of the Montgomery glands.

5. Some vaginal changes occur during pregnancy. These changes are the

_________________________ and ___________________.

6. __________________ is a black line in the midline of the abdomen that may run from the sternum or umbilicus to the symphysis pubis.

For exercises 7 through 15. Match the items in Column A with the correct definition or statement as listed in Column B. Place the letter of the correct answer in the space provided to the left of Column A.


______ 7. Quickening

______ 8 Grandmultipara

______ 9. Stretch marks

_____ 10. Primigravida

______11. Chloasma

______12. Fatigue

_____ 13. Multigravida

_____ 14. Hegar’s sign

______15. Amenorrhea




a. Probable sign of pregnancy.

b. A woman who has been pregnant more than once.

c. Feeling of life.

d. Cessation of menstruation.

e. Striae gravidarum.

f. Mask of pregnancy.

g. A woman who has had six or more births

past age if viability.

h. Presumptive sign of pregnancy.

i. A woman pregnant for the first time.


For exercises 16 through 25. Each of the following phrases is closely related to a body part and is one of the signs or symptoms of pregnancy. Fill in the blanks opposite each phrase by writing the body part or action and the correct sign or symptom category.


 Fetal movement in the uterus.  quickening/presumptive
 Softening of the lower uterine segment just above the cervix.  uterine/probable


16. Marks on the abdomen and/or buttocks.


17. Ballottement.


18. Enlargement of the Montgomery glands


19. An increase in the white or slightly gray mucoid discharge that has a faint, musty odor.


20. Can be heard with a doppler by weeks of pregnancy.


21. Marked softening of the cervix.


22. Entire fetus head, back, and upper/lower body parts.


23. Painless uterine contractions throughout pregnancy.


24. Gestation sac can be seen and photographed.


25. Presence of colostrum.


Lesson 03: Self-Test Answers

1. d (para 3-4a(1)).

2. b (para 3-4b(1)).

3. a (para 3-4c(4)).

4. b (para 3-4d(1)).

5. Chadwick’s sign and Leukorrhea (para 3-4e(1), (2)).

6. Linea nigra (para 3-4g(2)(a))

7. c (para 3-4f)

8. g (para 3-2i)

9. e (para 3-4g(1))

10. i (para 3-2e)

11. f (para 3-4g(3))

12. h (para 3-4h)

13. b (para 3-2g).

14. a (para 3-5a(3)).

15. d (para 3-4a).

16. skin/presumptive (para 3-4g(1)).

17. uterine/probable (para 3-5a(4)).

18. breast/presumptive (para 3-4d(2)(b)).

19. vaginal/presumptive (para 3-4e(2)).

20. fetal heart sounds/positive (para 3-6a).

21. cervical/probable (para 3-5c(1)).

22. palpation of the entire fetus/positive (para 3-6c).

23. cervical/probable (para 3-5c(3)).

24. ultrasound scanning of the fetus/positive (para 3-6b).

25. breast/presumptive (para 3-4d(2)(e)).

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