Lesson 4. Self-Test

INSTRUCTIONS. Complete the following exercises by answering the question in the space provided. After you have answered all the questions, scroll to the bottom of the page and check your answers.

1. List two physical findings that indicate the child you are examining might have been abused.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

2. Define physical child abuse. _________________________________________


3. List three signs/symptoms of physical child abuse.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

c. ____________________________________________.

4. List four neglectful types of child abuse.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

c. ____________________________________________.

d. ____________________________________________.

5. Define sexual abuse of a child. _______________________________________


6. List four signs/symptoms of neglect/emotional child abuse.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

c. ____________________________________________.

d. ____________________________________________.

7. List two signs/symptoms of sexual abuse of a child.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

8. Adults who have abused the child they have brought in for treatment often exhibit some telling characteristics. List three such characteristics which should arouse your suspicions of child abuse.

a. ____________________________________________.

b. ____________________________________________.

c. ____________________________________________.

9. When you are recording your observations about the injuries of a child whom you suspect of having been abused, use the initials N.A.T. which stand for ________________________ and the initials S.C.A.N. which mean ____________________________________________________________.

10. As you examine a child whom you believe has been abused and as you record your observations, remember not to confront the parents with your suspicions because ________________________________________________________


Check Your Answers


1. You are correct if you listed any two of the following:

Multiple fractures of the extremities.

Multiple bruises and abrasions.

Multiple soft tissue injuries.

Burns. (paras 4-3a(1) through (4))

2. Physical child abuse is nonaccidental injury to a child. (para 4-4a(1))

3. You are correct if you listed any three of the following:


Distinctive marks such as choke marks on the neck, round marks which could have been caused by a blunt instrument, etc.

Human bite marks.

Burn injuries.

Facial injuries.

Bald patches.

Chest injuries.

Abdominal injuries. (paras 4-4a(2)(a) through (h))

4. You are correct if you listed any four of the following:

Medical neglect.

Educational neglect.

Nutritional neglect.

Psychosocial neglect.

Physical neglect.

Emotional neglect.

Abandonment. (paras 4-2b, 4-4b(1))

5. Sexual abuse of a child is defined as any sexual activity between an adult and a child (child = anyone under the age of 18). (para 4-4c(1))

6. You are correct if you listed any four of the following:

Lower stage of development than other children of same age.

Has various learning problem.

Frequently very depressed.


Behaves aggressively.

Withdraws socially.

More grownup acting than other children sometimes.

(para 4-4b(2)(a) through (g))

7. You are correct if you listed any two of the following:

Lacerations, bruises, or injuries to the genitals which could not have been caused by accident.

Venereal disease.

Poor sphincter tone.

Tears and infected lesions around the mouth or anus.

(paras 4-4c(2)(a) through (d))

8. You are correct if you listed any three of the following:


Reluctance to give information or contradictory information.

Hostility toward the child.

Blaming others for the child’s injury.

Too much concern for what appears to be a minor injury.

Lack of concern about the child’s injuries.

Refusal to hospitalize a child who needs to be hospitalized.

Explanations for the child’s injuries unlikely or very suspicious.

(paras 4-5a through h)

9. Nonaccidental trauma.

Suspected child abuse and neglect. (para 4-6c(1))

10. Confronting the parents is NOT your responsibility. (para 4-6a(2)(b))

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