The neurological assessment is very important and will be repeated several times after the initial examination.

A comparison of the findings of later neurological examinations with the first assessment will show changes, if there are any, in the child’s condition. The direction of these changes will determine how his physical condition is to be treated.

With that in mind, proceed with the neurological assessment as follows:

a. Level of Consciousness. Ask the parent if the child is responding normally. Is the child able to recognize familiar objects and people. Classify the child according to the following:

(1) Alert and oriented. The child can focus on you and answer questions.

(2) Responsive. The child seems to be unconscious but has these responses:

(a) Opens his eyes if you speak to him or tries to answers questions.

(b) Tries to avoid pain.

(c) Displays pupillary response and eye movement.

(d) Displays muscular strength.

(e) Has normal reflexes.

b. Pupils. Are the child’s pupils equal in size? Do the pupils of his eyes respond to light?

c. Check of Upper Body. Check the child’s head, neck, and chest observing for signs of trauma.

d. Response to Stimuli. Does the child respond to verbal and/or painful stimuli?

e. Movements. Is the child able to move his extremities purposefully?

f. Fluid from Ears. Does the child have clear or bloody fluid coming from his ears.

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