Lesson 5: Self-Test

INSTRUCTIONS. The following exercises are to be answered by completing the incomplete statement or by writing the answer in the space provided at the end of the question. After you have completed all the exercises, scroll to the bottom of the page and check your answers.

1. Regular exercise contributes to a healthy body. Immobility has a ___________ effect.

2. When a joint cannot be moved and exercised through normal activities of daily living, the patient or nurse must move it at regular intervals to maintain _______________ and ________________________.

3. Range of motion exercises are ones in which a nurse or patient moves each joint. ________________________________________________________________.

4. The effects of immobility on the cardiac system include:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

d. ________________________________.

5. The effects of immobility on the respiratory system include:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

6. The effects of immobility on the musculoskeletal system include:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

d. ________________________________.

7. The effects of immobility on the nervous system include:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

8. The effects of immobility on the gastrointestinal system include:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

9. One effect of immobility on the integumentary system is ___________________________________.

10. An absence of weight bearing on the skeleton and immobility causes protein to be broken down faster than it is made, resulting in a ____________________.

11. The inability to move purposefully and dependence on someone for assistance with simple self-care activities results in a decrease in and an increase in a ___________________________________________.

12. Four purposes of exercise for the immobile patient are:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

d. ________________________________.

13. The five types of exercises are:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

d. ________________________________.

e. ________________________________.

14. The nine types of body movement are:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

d. ________________________________.

f. ________________________________.

g. ________________________________.

h. ________________________________.

i. ________________________________.

15. Range of motion exercises should be done at least _____________________. The joints of helpless or immobile patients should be exercised once every _______________________ to prevent contracture.

16. Joints should be exercised sequentially, starting with the_____________ and moving ____________.

17. Each joint needing exercise should be put through the range of motion procedure a minimum of ___________________________.

18. One guideline for range of motion exercises is to move each joint until there is ___________________ but never force a joint to the point of ________________.

19. When documenting that range of motion exercises have been done, the nurse should evaluate the patient in terms of:

a. ________________________________.

b. ________________________________.

c. ________________________________.

20. If there is any adverse response to the exercises, a______________________ must be made.

21. Two contraindications to range of motion exercises are:

a. _____________________________.

b. _____________________________.

Lesson 5: Self-Test Answers

1. Negative.

2. Muscles tone, joint mobility.

3. Through as full a range as possible without causing pain.

4. Venous stasis.

Increased cardiac workload.

Thrombus and embolus formation.

Orthostatic hypotension.

5. Hypostatic pneumonia.


Impaired coughing mechanism.

6. Muscle atrophy.




7. Altered sensation.

Peripheral nerve palsy.

8. Disturbance in appetite.

Altered digestion and utilization of nutrients.

Altered protein metabolism.

9. Risk of skin breakdown.

10. Negative nitrogen balance.

11. Self concept, sense of powerlessness.

12. (Any four of the following):

To maintain joint mobility.

To prevent contracture, atony, and atrophy of muscles.

To prevent thrombus and embolus formation.

To improve coordination.

To increase tolerance for more activity.

To maintain and build muscle strength.

13. Passive.

Active assistive.




14. Flexion.









15. Twice a day, eight hours.

16. Neck, down.

17. Three times.

18. Resistance, pain.

19. Fatigue.

Joint discomfort.

Joint mobility.

20. Narrative note.

21. Heart and respiratory diseases.

Connective tissue disorders.

Basic Nursing Education