The Brookside Associates
The purpose of this subcourse is to enhance your knowledge of medical surgical nursing care related to the gastrointestinal and urinary systems and the role of the nursing paraprofessional in providing that care.
Subcourse Components:
This subcourse consists of two lessons. The lessons are:
Lesson 1, Nursing Care Related to the Gastrointestinal System.
Lesson 2. Nursing Care Related to the Urinary System
Procedures for Subcourse Completion:
It is necessary for you to have a working knowledge of medical terminology to fully understand this text. If you do not, complete MED010, Basic Medical Terminology, before you attempt this subcourse. It is suggested that you also have a medical dictionary available.
Additionally, it is necessary for you to have a basic knowledge of general nursing procedures in order to fully understand this text. If you do not, it is best to complete Nursing Fundamentals I (previously entitled General Nursing Procedures), and Nursing Fundamentals II, before attempting this subcourse.