Audio Lecture 11. Nervous System – Second Half

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Welcome to Lesson 11 of the Basic Human Anatomy Course. Today, we’ll be studying the Human Nervous System. It is divided into two parts, Part A and Part B.

I have 19 goals for you in this lesson:

1. Name and identify two types of nervous tissues.

2. Name three functions for which nervous tissues are specialized.

3. Define neuron, dendrite, and axon.

4. When given the shape, diameter, or function, name the corresponding type of neuron.

5. Describe neuron “connections,” including the synapse and the neuromuscular junction.

6. Name and identify the three major divisions of the human nervous system; name the two major subdivisions of the CNS.

7. Name and briefly describe the three major subdivisions of the human brain; name and locate the four ventricles and their connecting channels.

8. Describe the spinal cord, including the two enlargements, elements of its cross section, and the surrounding vertebral canal.

9. Describe the meninges and the skeletal coverings of the CNS.

10. Name and identify the main arteries and veins of the brain and briefly describe the blood supply of the spinal cord.

11. Describe the formation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the path of CSF flow.

12. Define peripheral nervous system (PNS) and nerve; name and briefly describe two categories of PNS nerves; describe the anatomy of a “typical” spinal nerve; define reflex and reflex arc; briefly describe the components of the general reflex arc.

13. Define autonomic nervous system (ANS) and visceral organs; briefly describe efferent pathways of the ANS; name the major divisions of the human ANS; briefly describe the major activities of the human ANS for the thoraco-lumbar and cranio-sacral outflows; briefly describe the first and second neurons, innervations, and effects in each case.

14. Define pathway, neuraxis, sensor pathway, and motor pathway; briefly describe levels of control, pyramidal and extra-pyramidal motor pathways, and sensory pathways; and give examples of general senses and special senses.

15. Briefly describe the sensory receptors and sensory pathways for the special senses of smell and taste.

16. Describe the structures of the bulbus oculi, the orbit, and the adnexa.

17. Describe the structures of the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.

18. Describe the structures of the sacculus, utriculus, semicircular ducts, and the vestibular nerve.

19. Describe controls in the human nervous system.

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