Audio Lecture 03. Integumentary and Fascial Systems

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Welcome to Lesson 3 of the Basic Human Anatomy Course.

Today, we’ll be studying the Human Integumentary and Fascial Systems.

I have 5 goals for you in this lesson:

1. Be able to Define the terms

a. integumentary system

b. integument proper

c. integumentary derivatives

d. fascia

e. superficial fascia (subcutaneous layer)

f. deep fasciae, and

g. investing deep fascia.

2. Identify the three coverings, or envelopes, of the human body.

3. Name and describe the two layers of the skin.

4. Name and describe three types of integumentary derivatives, such as hairs, glands, and nails.

5. Define serous cavities, describe a bursa, and give examples of serous cavities in the body.

An Introductory Course for Health Profession Students