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Lesson 8: Minor Discomforts of Pregnancy



a. Leukorrhea.

(1) Leukorrhea is a white or yellowish mucous discharge from the cervical canal or the vagina. It is caused by the hormonal stimulation of the cervix, which becomes hypertrophic and hyperactive producing an abundant amount of mucous.

(2) Leukorrhea is not preventable and the patient should not douche.

(3) Leukorrhea may lead to pruritis (severe itching), burning on urination, foul odor from the discharge, or edema of the vulva.

NOTE: The physician should be notified immediately if any of the above (paragraph 8-6a(3)) symptoms appear. It may be an infection.

(4) Treatment/nursing intervention consists of:

(a) Reassuring the patient that this is normal. Tell the patient to use perineal pads and to change them frequently. Also, to cleanse the vulva at least once a day with soap and water and to dry thoroughly.

(b) Advising the patient to maintain good hygiene.

b. Braxton Hicks' Contractions. These are mild, intermittent, usually painless, uterine contractions. These contractions are in the preparation for the work of labor. Treatment/nursing interventions consist of advising the patient:

(1) That these are normal contractions.

(2) To get plenty of rest.

(3) To change position as often as possible.

(4) To practice breathing techniques when contractions are bothersome.


a. Urinary Frequency and Urgency.

(1) This is caused by the vascular engorgement and altered bladder function. It is caused by an increase in hormones and by the reduction of bladder capacity. This is due to the enlarging uterus and fetal presenting part.

NOTE: The presenting part is that part of the fetus which lies closest to the internal os of the cervix.

(2) Nursing interventions consist of advising the patient:

(a) That this is normal.

(b) To limit fluid intake before bedtime to ensure rest.

(c) To wear perineal pads.

(d) Notify the physician if pain or burning is noted.

b. Stress Incontinence. This occurs later in pregnancy. The patient may actually void on herself. Stress incontinence is caused by the enlarging uterus and pressure on the presenting part on the bladder. Nursing interventions consist of:

(1) Teaching the mother how to do the Kegel exercise. The Kegel exercise is the alternate tightening and relaxing of the muscles of the perineum.

(2) Encouraging the mother to wear perineal pads.

(3) Informing the patient to notify the physician so that rupture of the membranes can be ruled out.

Continue with Exercises



8-1. Identify the minor discomforts of specific body systems of the pregnant patient.

8-2. Identify the causes of the minor discomforts of pregnancy.

8-3. Identify the nursing interventions when caring for a pregnant patient suffering from the minor discomforts of pregnancy.




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