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Self-Test Lesson 2 Exercises

INSTRUCTIONS. The following exercises are to be answered by completing the incomplete statement or by writing the answer in the space provided at the end of the question. After you have completed all the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson and check your answers.

1. Name the four items of furniture comprising the patient basic unit.

a. ____________________________.

b. ____________________________.

c. ____________________________.

d. ____________________________.

2. Name three items, other than linens and toilet equipment, which the patient is given.

a. ____________________________.

b. ____________________________.

c. ____________________________.

3. When making a bed, avoid shaking the linen to prevent spread of ________________________ and dust particles.


4. When making a bed, always raise the bed to its ________________ position.


5. When making a bed, check the patient for areas of redness that may lead to ____________________ formation.


6. When making an unoccupied bed, be sure to check the mattress for protruding __________________.


7. Before removing the top bedding from an occupied bed, place the ________________________ over the patient and the top cover.


8. When making a surgical bed, do you tuck the top sheet and blanket under the mattress at the foot of the bed? ______


9. To protect the sheets, place a towel or disposable pad (Chux ®) at the ________ of a surgical bed.

10. After making a surgical bed, be sure to lock the ________________.


11. When a patient is discharged or transferred out of the patient care unit, the bed, bedside cabinet, and general area must be sanitized with a detergent/germicidal agent. What is this procedure called? ____________________________.


12. Name three reasons for terminal cleaning of the patient care unit.

a. __________________________________________________________.

b. __________________________________________________________.

c. __________________________________________________________.

13. During terminal cleaning, use only __________________ disinfectant/detergent or germicidal solution.


14. How should you prevent the spread of microorganisms during terminal cleaning? __________________________________________________________.


15. Sterile disposables are considered sterile if the wrapper is not broken or torn or if the __________________________ has not passed.



Check Your Answers




1. Bed

    Bedside cabinet

    Overbed table



2. A correct answer consists of any three of the following:

Water pitcher


Call button

Disposable facial tissues

3. Microorganisms


4. Highest


5. Decubiti


6. Springs


7. Bath blanket


8. No


9. Head


10. Brakes


11. Terminal cleaning


12. A correct answer consists of any three of the following:

Prevention of the spread of microorganisms

Removal of encrusted secretions from framework or bedside rails

Removal of residue of body wastes from the mattress

Deodorizing of the bedframe, mattress, and pillow

13. Authorized


14. By carefully removing linen from the bed


15. Expiration date


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