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This fungus is occasionally identified on Pap smear and for the most part is an incidental finding, posing no threat to the patient.

Its' clinical significance controversial. IUD users sometimes (rarely) develop pelvic abscesses with this organism inside. For that reason, some physicians have recommended removal of the IUD in asymptomatic patients if Actinomyces are present. Others disagree, believing that removal of the IUD in patients with no symptoms is an over-reaction to a very small chance of a problem.


This information is provided by The Brookside Associates.  The Brookside Associates, LLC. is a private organization, not affiliated with any governmental agency. The opinions presented here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Brookside Associates or the Department of Defense. The presence of any advertising on these pages does not constitute an endorsement of that product or service by either the US Department of Defense or the Brookside Associates. All material presented here is unclassified.

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